Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Best makeup brush to apply foundation


 I will discuss more specifically brushes and brushes that we can use to apply our foundation.

foundation brush:


To apply the foundation, we have many types of brushes and a multitude of brands. Like everything else, this is going to taste, I ( lover brushes and increasingly want more ) have many kinds of brushes, leaving a different finish skin and totally different brands. I would also like to invest in Brush a little more expensive, but for now I can not. To apply the foundation, we have many options when it comes to make-up , depending on the base or depends on whether we want a more polished finish for example or very natural finish. I'll show some of the types of brushes that I have and explain a little what the function of each .

Synthetic flat brush:


This is the basic makeup brush. Perfect for applying any type of cream product. We will use this brush taking long strokes from the center of the face outwards from this. This type of brush we can get a light base application as being flat and not synthetic "absorbs "too much product . The downside of this type of brushes is that on occasion can leave lines on the face caused by the bristles of the brush with which then would have to difuminarlas and you lose time. To me I really like this kind of brushes as you see in the picture there are different sizes and more or less thick. Also, this type of flat synthetic brush can be beveled or angled as RT , very comfortable to reach the area of the fins nose or hairline area, for example.

Brush flat cut and bushy:


This type of brush has become very popular in the last year, almost all accounts with a similar brush marks 
are characterized by 
very dense and flat and straight cut as you see in the picture . These brushes to get the most opaque foundations remain beautiful and not too loaded . With them we get a highly polished finish on the skin, while the product will fade leaving a very nice aspect apply. For lighter to quite blur the product bases, it is a very natural look while polished , yes use more product than with other types of brushes. In the market we find different brands and types, longer or less and straight cut or straight cut but angled. It is one of the brushes by always ground opt to apply foundation makeup, make the foundation is working in a very simple manner and remain a polished and beautiful appearance .

Synthetic Brush round:


Another favorite brushes to apply foundation. It is a brush very similar to the previous brush (flat and thick) but it has a pinch in the ring and that his court is round . This type of brush is also great for opaque bases, get a highly polished finish and tuned . With bases lighter makeup, leaves a very natural and beautiful look. By having the rounded shape is very comfortable to blur the base areas of the most complicated face as the hairline, nose or chin. The market also found different brands and types, as you see in the picture also can be angled so very comfortable to reach the area of the nostrils and blend well the base without any line in the face .

Round and elongated brush:


This type of brush is not too big but it is dense with long bristles. With it we get a finished covering the couple naturally , makes the same function as the previous 2 thick brushes. To use, apply giving the base circular motions over your face for a smooth and polished finish of the foundation. By having long bristles, can give us the feeling that the brush blurs the basis not properly, so now we have to work harder the foundation, is still a very nice look. As you can see with this type of brush can also apply your foundation getting a nice finish , but I prefer to use it for other purposes.

Brush skunk:


It characterized in that it is composed of natural and synthetic fibers . So the product should only be applied with the synthetic part. To apply the foundation with this brush, we give pat over entire face, without dragging to integrate well and left a faded and naturally.Personally I have not got the hang of these brushes, I finished not convincing as the basis of applied makeup is, but then I have to blur the base with a sponge. As I say, what we got with this brush is finished to very natural, style airbrush and very beautiful skin .

Makeup sponges:


To apply the foundation I prefer the style sponges "Beauty Blender" not traditional in form of triangle. With them we get a very natural look on his face, difuminandola perfectly. They do not leave streaks or patches on the skin, but makeup melts leaving a uniform and blurred aspect . Such sponges are also used by makeup artists because it is a way very quick to apply the fluid products, leaving a polished and natural finish. For use we have to moisten and apply the product to pat on the skin. As I say, although in my case not replace the brushes, leave a very natural and beautiful skin finish. Lastly, to apply prebases face of all these types of brushes, I prefer synthetic brushes and flat as the first I have taught.

Seamlessly integrate the product into the skin and does not catch too much product but apply the exact amount. Moreover, being synthetic hair is not damaged by use with creamy and fatty products. Each will choose the type and brand that best suits our needs, that is, if we brush for personal use and not going to use too much, we can opt for a lower-middle range, however if used for professional use or want a good brush to last "a lifetime" we spend more and buy more expensive. These are the types of brushes apply the foundation that I have in my collection.Surely there are more forms or styles, but I think these are the main. I hope you have served, has helped you and you've done a good time.
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