Thursday, January 14, 2016

New trend? Natural make up the Stomp ... Learn how to do this!


The world of makeup is renewed constantly. Years pass and styles change, the colors suit the season and women to new trends. 
It is clear what is coming:  more and more l as women choosing simple and natural makeup , and is highlighting the particular features of each without excess.
If sos who love makeup, but you do not want be "highly charged" you have to know the make up natural.  Being faithful to the image that returns the mirror but subtly makeup stomp without doubt is the new trend of beauty. 
We tell you how to achieve a natural look , do not miss it!
Is trend!
Looking at pictures of 10 or 20 years, we see the looks were quite different from today.Something on the faces of the women made ​​it look different: It was the maquilaje! Strong and dark delineated, painted eyebrows, lips heavily loaded and highlights cheekbones were a few years ago MUST Now what? Fortunately not!  
Love each other and respect are-fortunately as it became fashionable and stomp real women worldwide. For us, the make up is not left out of this new fashion and natural women are becoming prettier. Beauty products accompany this trend and solve imperfections, correct and help ourselves much better, but respecting who we are.
Not notice!

The goal of a make up naturally is "not notice". We want to look natural, but massaged.This trend is perfect for everyday situations where we want to be well and arranged, without attracting too much attention. For example, when you go to college or you have a meeting at work you want to be cute but you yourself and not be overemphasized.

How to do this? It is simple

There are products that help you achieve a make up naturally more easily. The bar bases, for example being one of them. Choose a base that is simple to attach (why the bars are ideal), but also and above all be cubritiva matte. The matte finish highlights the natural we have. Usually, the bases shiny look a little artificial.
Once you have applied, simply place a compact powder to correct the natural imperfections of the skin. Powders set the bases and help achieve the matte we seek.Finally, you can use a concealer to finish "solve" any typical impurities of the skin that you want to correct. 
Once you're done with these simple steps will you look nice and natural, but makeup.Nothing better than to see us in the mirror, and be ourselves!  
What do you think the new trend of make up naturally ? To us everything it look good, beautiful and arranged, but natural we love it. And to you?

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