Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Red lips to work? Yes !, and these are the reasons


Why not? It takes passion to your work! : D
Do you have a red lipstick and do not dare to take your job for fear of "what people say"? To hell! These are the reasons that you can also wear the color of passion in your work ..
No. 1 can give life to the simplicity

If you have to use skirts, pants and shirts that are somewhat boring, red paint your lips will make you look more daring and simplicity of your clothing does not become boring.
In addition, this lip color combined with any type of style you want to look do not you think that this is a very good first reason to take your job?

No. 2 will seem that your makeup took you hours


The lip will make it appear that you esmeraste in paint you and took you hours to go presentable.
Between us? We know how easy it is to achieve a fantastic make up in a few seconds, especially if your red lipstick is creamy type. 

No. 3 Thou shalt call more attention


It's amazing the difference between a girl lips painted with any color and another that chooses red. The latter brings all the attention and is ideal for those who want their ideas to be heard, considered and valued.

No. 4 never gets old!


It is true! The red lipstick is a color that is always in fashion. No matter what season it is, it can be used in summer or winter. And yes, it is a classic.

No. 5 You will not need much time to tweak 


In case you need to touch up your make-up in the office, red lipstick allow you to do in a few seconds because it covers much more than other colors and you will see how past few fresh makeup.

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