Sunday, January 10, 2016

These 5 Secrets of Hollywood transform your beauty routine forever


Would you like your makeup look as perfect as that of Hollywood actresses ?

You can make your dream come true with these simple beauty tips for your makeup is the best.

# 5 Use your lipstick as blush or bronzer


The reality is that many of us use this trick, but not in the same way. Want to know why?We are generally put lipstick directly on our cheeks and that's not how they do in Hollywood.
After applying your lipstick in a conventional manner and press both lips, with the index and middle fingers press the center of the lower lip to take this color. Then, gather your fingers and apply the color on your cheeks.

# 4 applies eyeliner and shadow with open eyes


Always apply the shadow and eyeliner eyes closed, but the trick is to do it with your eyes open.
Does not matter with you that when you open your eyes makeup line runs and deletes parts or disappear?
Well, this is why you should do this with your eyes open. The makeup will be perfect forever.

# 3 Enhance your face with gloss


You can use it in your eyes as a shadow, for example, creating an illusion for your cheekbones look of a larger size if you wish.
You can be sure! It will make your look more intense and brilliant.

# 2 Use your blush or lip liner base


This trick is pretty old, but believe me, very effective. The blush or lip liner as a basis for creating the feeling of a larger lips.
If you are one of those with thin lips and want them extraordinary, do not hesitate to use this secret.

# 1 Use a matte orange shade for your eyes explode


The shadow was trend in the 40s and 70s is a color that will go well with both light eyes(green and blue) and dark eyes (brown and shades).

The contrast made ​​with blue and green, and the warmth that will give the brown makes it a perfect color to wear all the charm of your eyes.

What did you think these 5 Secrets of Hollywood to add to your beauty routine ? Do you know? If you have more tricks do not hesitate to share with us. We'd love to know!

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