Thursday, April 26, 2018

A cheap product that you can find in the pharmacy is the key to make your makeup last HOURS

All women want their makeup to last as long as possible. There is a secret to achieve this and surely you did not know it: micellar water . This product, which you can get at any pharmacy, can be used to  remove makeup , but also to clean the skin before makeup.
This product contains micelle, a set of molecules that are responsible for solubilizing insoluble matters in water, such as fat and oil. It is what is used in soaps, but in the case of micellar water, it also has vitamin E and  rosehip oil , which leaves the skin hydrated and soft. 

Makeup tricks with micellar water

In addition to sanitizing the face , micellar water can be used in various ways to enhance your makeup.

To clean and prepare the skin

Before starting to put on make-up, put a cotton swab moistened in the product for your face. This will cleanse your skin and give shine to your face. It also helps to  fix makeup longer.

To soften a dark lipstick

The color of the labial is not always as we would like. To correct  dark lipsticks , you can also use micellar water. The trick is: after painting your lips, use a cotton ball with the product and press it gently into your mouth. That will make the color look softer. 

To spread the base

Micellar water can also be used to make the  base more even on the skin . Simply place the product in a water spray and moisten the makeup sponge. Between one product and another, pour a little water on your face to make your makeup look more natural. 

Correct the outlined

Make a  perfect delineation  of one is a matter of experts, others know that it takes many attempts to be even from both sides and, in trying to correct it, we end up seeing as pandas bears, full of black eyeliner around the eyes. If you use the micellar water with a cotton swab you can eliminate the mistakes easily and without hurting the skin, that way you will get a   perfect cat eye .

Fix makeup

The micellar water in the sprayer will also serve for this trick. After finishing makeup, spray a little on your face, but do it from afar so that the water does not erase the cosmetics. In this way, your face will have a natural shine.
It seems perfect, but not everyone should use it . It is recommended for  people with dry and sensitive skin  because it hydrates and cleans very softly and does not have alcohol, which can irritate the skin. If, on the other hand, you have  oily skin  or you are prone to acne, it is better to use a traditional cleanser. 

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