Saturday, April 28, 2018

How can you include red in your makeup (without being like a clown)?

Red is the color of passion , the ideal option to use in your makeup for a  romantic night . We all have a red lipstick, but it is not the only option!

1. Red eyeliner

If you want to give a touch of rebellion to a classic look you can choose to use a red eyeliner . So that it is not too loaded you can use a lighter lipstick (unlike the photo). If you want to make it more subtle you can put some eyeliner in the lacrimal area. In this way, it will look very discreet and you will have a dose of color on your face.

2. Blush

Now that the  countering  that technique of makeup that consists of illuminating the parts of the face that you want to highlight, is fashionable, the blush has lost some popularity. A little color on the cheeks is always a good choice and if it is red, better. Just make sure it is not too much and that it is well blurred on your face.

3. Nails

The nails of red color are a classic inevitable in the hands of any woman, and even more so in a romantic occasion. You can find  nail arts  of this color with very novel and romantic designs, ideal to fall in love with.

4. Eye shadow

This look is only for  daring girls . The dark eye shadow gives a very strong impact, that's why it is better that the rest of the makeup is something soft and in subdued tones, like pink or  nude. If you want to surprise, this is the ideal option for you.

5. Red lipstick

Of course, I could not miss the  red lipstick  on this list. Wearing a lipstick of this color can make us feel powerful and very sexy, so it is the ideal tone for a special night full of romance.
Whatever makeup you use on that romantic night, the most important thing is to bring confidence inside . A makeup of a nice color will only enhance what you already have.






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