Thursday, January 14, 2016

5 Qualities that will make you more beautiful


I'm sure it ever happened to you: a person dazzles you with its looks and when you open your mouth ... all the charm vanishes. And the beauty goes far beyond a well-groomed hair and perfect nails. The beauty of a woman does not hide his face, but his soul in the love and passion delivery showing the beauty of a woman grows with the passing of the years..."
So you long to be more beautiful? Focus on your inner !, and cultivate these traits in your personality ...

# 1 Confidence


Tell me, what attracts you more: a person upright with the chin up or bent and his eyes fixed on the floor? So try to improve your posture; for this, you will feel more comfortable in your skin. For "can be physically perfect, but if you have confidence in you will always miss something," said the admirable as well Jane Fonda.

# 2 Optimism


If you have read The Secret , you already know (and if you do not recommend it): the positive attracts more positive things. Therefore, do not take it to heart problems; this attitude will not solve anything and will steal your eyes shine.

# 3 Capacity of fun


We all have responsibilities, but do not let that overshadow these end up all your qualities. It is essential that you spend some of your day at one of those activities that fill your soul. Just so focused, you'll be able to express your beauty in all its splendor.

# 4 Charisma


"The charisma is innate," many say. And I add, may also be constructed. So, go! Stand in front of the mirror and start talking. Once there, try to improve your body language and expressions polish you employ. You can!

# 5 Humility


What phrase no one ever said? "I love your pride!". And yes: vanity still not entered into the list of virtues. In addition, boast not multiply your accomplishments, or deepen your qualities; he astonished those around you and make you look like a fool true.

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