Thursday, January 14, 2016

You never gave the right lip? Combine these tones will look EVER


While you're searching for that sore, but nothing: you have not been lucky so far!
My question is, have you tried to combine lip ? This can be a good (and cheaper strategy) to give a tone of lipstick as unique as you and, of course, is in complete harmony with your eye color.
Brown eyes

If you have brown eyes coffee, you have to combine a dark pink one pink nude lip.
By the way, who ever said that brown eye color is not attractive? With a good eyeliner and these lips: you will not be bright, you're great!

Blue eyes


If your eyes are blue, you'll find the perfect color for your lips if you combine a bluish red with a pink cake. Color is the perfect place to enhance all your sensuality .

Green brown eyes


Brown eyes are brown clarito that are because they have two colors: green-brown and brown. If you have this color so nice eyes can try mixing a peach lipstick with a (not very clear or very dark) medium brown.

Amber eyes


This color has always seemed very sexy in both women and men. If you want to promote it, you can try a warm orange glow with a pink mauve.

Gray eyes


Until recently confused gray eyes with blue Clarita but really, they have nothing to do with each other!
The gray will have a clear view, so the combination of the lip can be more daring. So you can combine neutrality and serenity of light beige with the bold and sexy plum color ... it will be spectacular!

Green eyes


If your eyes are green (no matter the shade of green you have) you have an intense look but full of freshness.
That and to match the spectacular look, you can try a light orange with a bright pink (fuchsia nice). Combine them and look at the result, highlights amazing how the color of your eyes!
What is the color of your eyes? What's your favorite color bar lips? Do you have to combine two colors ? Tell us what!

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