Friday, January 8, 2016

CAREFULLY! If these 8 things happen to you, you should stop wearing makeup


While  makeup can clog your imperfections, enhance your features and even cover all your pimples, it can also cause you many problems. 
So you can check it, today we reveal eight frequent use 'And consequences of abuse - which can be living, and maybe you did not notice. Pay attention!
# 8 Have Acne

If you apply a daily basis, first  and redness on your skin, you may get a very hard to remove acne. So, after several days of clogged pores, it is recommended that you rest of your cosmetics for at least two weeks. 

# 7 Your lashes fall


If you notice that your lashes fall more frequently, you should definitely leave your mask.Note that both the brush and the product itself may be causing the problem.

# 6 Your skin is irritated and dry

skin- irritated

If you do not remove your makeup at night, you just get more irritated and dry skin.Therefore, it is recommended that you apply a good cleansing before bed with a moisturizer refreshing. 

# 5 Sueles have herpes in your lips


Some lipsticks contain chemicals that can be very harmful. So if you tend to have cold sores frequently, you know what the reason.

# 4 You have too little money to buy cosmetics


Not only your body can give warning signs, your wallet can too! So if you notice that much of your income is going on beauty products, begins to shorten expenses and stop buying anything that does not need.

# 3 Do you feel insecure without makeup


If you can not leave home without your mascara, you definitely have a problem. Note that while makeup can highlight your features, not have the power to make more or less beautiful.

#2 Do not you take pictures without being makeup


If you get kilos of shadows, mascara, foundation, blush and lipstick before each photo, you'll never see your true beauty. The best thing is that you encourage you to show you the natural, without cheating or filter adjustments.

1 Always late for your appointments for makeup


If you delay too much on makeup, you should reconsider your routine makeup.Especially if you never arrive on time to all your appointments.  

Well, do you happen to these 8 things?
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