Friday, January 8, 2016

If your skin is dry and you want a makeup of the gods, you must know these 5 glorious tricks


Beauty is a matter of attitude, but healthy skin always helps;)
Do you suffer from dry skin ? Do you think that makeup is not as you want because of this?
It will not be a problem for you: check out these simple tricks to obtain a makeup of the gods and then tell me what that was like.

No. 5 Scrubs


You want your skin to be a perfect surface on which to apply makeup and this should exfoliate.
If your skin is sensitive, you should use special scrubs, AHAs and BHA, which have a reduced pH, without alcohol or irritants.
These work perfectly to make your skin look unique; the smooth, reduce blemishes and unify its tone, in addition to removing dead cells.
Keep this in mind: AHAs are water soluble, while BHA do fat. For this reason, the latest variety is recommended for skin prone to acne because they can clean the pores in a way that the AHA fail.

This does not mean that you can not use it if your skin is oily, but the BHA will be a better choice.

No. 4 Wetting


After ensuring the cleanliness of your skin , you must ensure that this has sufficient hydration. Remember that a poorly hydrated culminate in dry skin and exfoliate dead cells that need again.
For this, not only will be enough to take the suggested daily amount of water, but also use moisturizers .
For example, after washing your face at night and before going to bed to sleep, you can take the option to put yourself acting moisturizing while you sleep.
Alternatively, after removing your makeup, because there are some gels to keep the skin hydrated after applying make-up remover, which sometimes tend to irritate.

No. 3 Creams premarital 


Maybe it's something many of us when we discard makeup, but let me tell you that is a very important step.
Place cream before applying makeup will be useful to prepare your skin before starting our daily ritual.

No. 2 Base


Choosing the right foundation for your skin will make your makeup always look better. Not surprisingly there are different types of these depending on the skin type.
Just as there are several bases for oily, seeking to remove some brightness that may be in this, there are also for skins dry possessing moisturizers to help with the same makeup.
A secret to know what is the right choice for dry skin is to consider the product keywords as "brightness", "moisturizing" or "light".

# September 1


As a final touch if you need a little more light, you can use a highlighter and blush cream for greater brightness.
Then you can attach a spray that will make your makeup remains flawless for much longer.

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