Saturday, May 5, 2018

6 bad habits that age you without you noticing


6 bad habits that age you without you noticing

Bad habits such as smoking and sedentary lifestyle can accelerate the deterioration of the skin causing premature aging.

At some point in your life you must accept the appearance of signs of age as part of the biological processes that your body goes through. However, there are some bad habits that age you before time without you noticing.

The skin, like the rest of the organs, is experiencing a series of changes with the passage of time. For this reason, it is normal for the 45 or 50 year old to start developing small wrinkles and age-specific imperfections.

The problem is that you usually overlook those actions that damage the dermis and , much earlier than mentioned, you begin to notice a skin deterioration that affects your self-esteem.

While there are many products and treatments that can counteract it, it is inevitable to notice signs of aging when some bad habits in the lifestyle are not modified.

What can you do to avoid this situation? Well, in addition to improving your daily care of beauty routine, it is best to correct the bad habits that age you. Discover them!

Bad habits that age you and that you usually ignore

Skin care should start from the youth. Although many strive to combat the signs of aging when they begin to appear, the most effective way to avoid them is to take some care before they develop.

In the environment there is a large amount of toxins and volatile particles that negatively affect your dermis . Therefore, if you want to avoid premature aging, you should get away from these.

It is true that genetic factors affect how quickly wrinkles appear. However, a healthy lifestyle can delay this process and, in turn, improve the quality of life . Well, without further ado , let's review in detail the bad habits that age you so you can try to avoid them as much as possible from now on.

Abuse makeup

Makeup is one of the tools that every woman uses to look beautiful. What many ignore is that its excessive use has negativeconsequences for skin health. The residues of these products accumulate in the pores and cause a series of imperfections. In addition, by producing obstructions, they prevent tissues from being adequately oxygenated.


Try to avoid using makeup when it is not so necessary. Your skin needs to breathe naturally.
Clean your face every day to eliminate any residue of cosmetic products.

2. Tobacco use

Cigarettes are full of chemical components that, in addition to affecting respiratory health , promote premature deterioration of the skin . The toxins affect the process of cellular oxygenation and interfere in the regeneration of tissues.

On the other hand, when producing dehydration , its excessive consumption can dry out and weaken the skin. Of course, this situation accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and spots, even from young ages.


Try to stop the bad habit of smoking. Although it is not easy, there are many measures that can help achieve this.

If you do not smoke, try not to expose yourself to cigarette smoke. Far from being harmless, it contains particles that damage the skin.

3. Do not use sunscreen

The daily use of sunscreen is one of the essential measures to prevent premature aging . This product minimizes the impact of UV rays on the dermis, which, as you know, is quite aggressive.

It is not enough to use it only on sunny days or on the beach. The sun's rays get filtered, even when the day is cloudy. Therefore, its use must be daily without exceptions.


Choose a sunscreen equal to or greater than 30 SPF (sun protection factor) when you are exposed directly to the sun.

To complement it, wear clothes that help you take care of the skin of your rays: long shirts, hats, sunglasses, and so on.

4. Sleeping a little

A poor quality of sleep has notorious consequences on the health of the skin. During the resting period, processes are produced that are decisive to reduce the aggressions suffered by the tissues during the day. Sleeping less than 7 hours a day without interruptions affects circulation and affects the appearance of premature wrinkles, eye bags and sagging.


Try to go to bed and get up more or less at the same time so as not to disturb your sleep rhythms.
If you have trouble sleeping, try to find the cause of insomnia to give it timely and effective treatment.

5. Poor feeding

Within the bad habits that age you this is one of the most prominent. The nutrients that are obtained from food are essential to have a healthy and young skin for longer. For this reason, when you feed poorly, you are more susceptible to skin imperfections.

The excessive consumption of fats and sugars, like processed ones, affect the production of collagen and elastin and accelerate aging. Not to mention that, unfortunately, many food products are also laden with toxins and harmful chemicals. Its inclusion in the diet affects the circulation and, therefore, interferes with oxygenation.


Try to increase the consumption of organic foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.
Avoid processed foods, sausages and industrial bakery products to the maximum.
Replace soft drinks and soft drinks with water.

6. Sedentary

The sedentary lifestyle brings many health consequences . What many do not know is that, in some way, it also negatively affects the beauty of the skin.

Doing exercise is essential to maintaining a vital and stylish body. In addition, thanks to their daily practice, many toxins that can accelerate aging are eliminated.


Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to an exercise routine.
If you have any physical limitations, consult a professional what training you should adopt.
Now that you know the bad habits that age you, try to lead a healthier life so as not to suffer its effects . This, without a doubt, will help you promote your well-being in general.

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