Saturday, May 5, 2018

How to make a homemade peel with natural products


This article explains how to make a homemade peel with natural products that will help us take care of our skin so that it looks fresh and bright.

What is peeling

A peel is a facial treatment that consists in the elimination of the dead cells of the epidermis. The benefits of this exfoliation are numerous: elimination of spots, recovery of the luminosity of the skin, uniformity of the tone of the skin ... All these results can be achieved with natural and affordable products following a few simple tips.

Preparing the skin for home peeling

If you have proposed to perform this operation yourself, you are interested in the following. This will make the process with greater security:

We must not forget that this is a process of defamation, that is, we perform a small abrasion to drag those dead cells. Therefore it is normal for your skin to redden and you notice sensitive.

Make a sensitivity test in some area of ​​your face. Although the homemade peeling is done with natural products, they are also very effective.

Do it always at night. Your skin is a little more weakened after exfoliation and exposing it to the sun can create unwanted effects such as spots.

Never forget that your face should be clean with your usual product.

It is essential that you properly hydrate the skin immediately after performing the homemade peel.
Regarding frequency, listen to your skin. One with a fat tendency if it admits a weekly peeling, but if your skin is dry, leave an interval of 15 days or so.
It is not recommended for very sensitive skin.

How to make a homemade peel

These simple recipes explain how to make a homemade peel, they are very effective:

1.- Seeds of papaya and pineapple for a perfect peeling.

Open the papaya and take the seeds. Adding a little water, chop them in the blender to make a paste. We take that mixture with our fingers and we apply it to the skin giving a massage in circles, and we remove it with water.

Next we crush the pulp of the papaya and the pineapple with the fork until making a paste. We extend it throughout the facial area and let it act for 5 minutes to clarify it later. If we do not have pineapple, we can replace it with strawberries.

This recipe is ideal for a great homemade peeling.

2.- Apple cider vinegar for a very effective peeling.

We make an ointment with two tablespoons of apple vinegar and green tea. We add enough sugar and, finally, a little honey, to prevent the skin from flushing.

We exfoliate our skin with the resulting mixture, giving a gentle massage in circles. Allow to dry 10 minutes and then remove with water. Next we will tone the face with a preparation composed of a teaspoon of vinegar, two of green tea and a few drops of olive oil.

As you can see, this homemade peeling based on apple cider vinegar is very simple to make.

3.- Oatmeal and lemon to prepare a very effective homemade peeling.

We take a handful of oats (the organic one is preferable, since its gram is more whole) and we grind it in the chopper a bit.

Then we add the juice of a yellow lemon. Like the previous ones, we exfoliate our faces with this ointment with movements in circles and let it rest for about 5 minutes.

Once we have removed it with a towel, heat a little honey until it is just warm and spread it all over the face. With this we avoid, on the one hand, that it reddens and on the other that the pores close. Next, we toned the skin with half tomato and half cucumber passed through the blender.

The moisturizing and regenerating properties of both ingredients are important. If we prefer, we can replace these vegetables with pineapple.

With this homemade peeling you will achieve the same tone of your skin, eliminate imperfections and above all that recovers its luminosity.

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