Sunday, May 6, 2018

How to prepare facial powder at home?

How to prepare facial powder at home?

Undoubtedly, the facial powder is one of the best-selling beauty products after lipsticks, it maintains the perfect complexion and helps the skin.

Yes, you can prepare facial powder at home. Believe it or not, learning how to do it will help you to get out of trouble on more than one occasion, and it can even be very useful in case your skin is very sensitive.

The facial powder is an element that helps to make the face shine and to fix the rest of makeup that we put on our faces. Therefore, its function is to prevent the oily elements, run and dirty the skin. In view of this, the facial powder is one of the most sold beauty products (after lipsticks ) and today comes mainly in two presentations: loose or compact.

The types of facial powder

1. Translucent

They are easy-to-use loose and transparent powders that allow them to mix and diffuse on the skin. This helps to keep it more natural, advisable to use with a sponge brush.

2. Long duration

As the name implies, this type of facial powder lasts longer than others because it contains different chemical ingredients that can prolong the effect. It is a little denser than the translucent, so it is perfect to hide imperfections.

Generally, its label indicates that the last 24 hours, but it is not recommended to have makeup on the face for so long. Ideally, do not spend more than 10 hours with a single layer on the face, as it can lead to the appearance of more imperfections and, depending on the type of skin, reset it or increase the production of fat.3. Illuminating facial powder

This type of powder contains extra fine particles that allow giving greater luminosity to the face, this allows highlighting the features (especially the bone structure) naturally. It is a product rich in pigments, so it should be applied in small quantities to not seem too heavy. It is recommended to apply a touch below the eyebrow, in the area of the tear ducts and on the cheekbones.

3. Mineral facial powder

Contains titanium dioxide that prevents UV rays, mica sericite for a velvety appearance, kaolin for absorption, and zinc oxide for anti-inflammatory and soothing benefits. With natural ingredients, help smooth the skin and keep pores clean.

4. Face sealing powder

Its base is tall and has a primary function that is to fix the base of the makeup and give it a longer duration. Absorbs excess fat from the liquid base and creates a seal on the skin.

Due to the high prices of facial powders for many people, the idea of creating it in the home is not far-fetched, that's why several "homemade recipes" have already been implemented that allow mixing several natural products giving a result very similar to conventional powders; Here we will present the most conventional ones.

1st preparation of the homemade facial powder


  • 1 wooden stick
  • 1 piece of cotton
  • 1 empty compact powder case.
  • 2 absorbent paper napkins.
  • 1 teaspoon of ethyl alcohol (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of plastic or wood (5 g).
  • 5 tablespoons of cornstarch or cornstarch (25 g).
Cacao without sugar (will give the color, everything depends on the calculation according to your skin tone).


Add the cornstarch in a bowl at the same time the perfect dose of cocoa according to your skin tone.
Pour the preparation into the compact case, keeping in mind that you should not fill everything. Then, pour the alcohol little by little into the case.

With the help of the toothpick, mix everything so that the powder is moistened with alcohol. Keep stirring until you get a pasta.

Crush the pasta well with the help of a spoon.
Then, place on the paste one or two absorbent paper napkins so that the powder releases the excess alcohol; then close the case.

Take a small piece of cotton to clean the edges of the case.

2nd preparation of the homemade facial powder



  • 3 g of milk powder.
  • 5 g of pearl powder.
  • 5 g of magnesium stearate.
  • 1 g of arrowroot starch.
  • 1 g of white clay or kaolin.
  • 3 g of urea.


  • 20 g of titanium dioxide.
  • 5 g brown pigment.
  • 3 g of ocher-yellow pigment.
  • Optional: zinc oxide.


Disinfects with alcohol all materials and utensils.
Measure all the ingredients of Phase 1 then sieve them in a colander several times until well mixed. The urea grinds it well until it is thin.

Prepare the base mixture of pigments and grind in a mortar until you see a single homogeneous color.
Add Phase 2 to Phase 1 and pass it back through the sieve until all the lumps disappear and it is well mixed. Once sieved, the final color of the facial powder will be appreciated.
3rd preparation of the homemade facial powder


  • ½ cup of rice (50 g).
  • A blender or crusher.
  • A pan.
  • 1 container of dust.


Place the rice in the pan (without oil) over medium heat to brown it.
Stir constantly until it changes color and has the tone closest to the color of your skin.
Remove from heat and grind in a blender.

Pass the powder through a very fine sieve to remove the lumps and any other excess.
Place the powder in the container.

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