Sunday, May 13, 2018

Show some spectacular legs with these tricks

Show some spectacular legs with these tricks

We teach you what are the aspects that can play against when having spectacular legs and what tricks you must put into practice to evade them.

When the good weather arrives, people do not hesitate to wear lighter attire that helps them show off their attributes. Therefore, many look for ways to look spectacular legs. If you are one of them, we recommend that you continue reading, since what we are about to tell you is very interesting to you.

As we all know, a toned body and in the good physical condition in general lines is pleasant not only for the person but in the sight of others. In other words, a healthy body inspires energy, enthusiasm, life. Here is the key to the question, vitality. Who does not want to feel good and be able to do everything that is proposed? From taking a short walk or skirt to running next to the dog in the park.

It is worth investing in the care of our lower extremities. Of course, it is not necessary to make large investments. We simply have to evaluate our habits daily, incorporate those that are missing and correct those that are not working as they should. For this, we are going to offer you some tricks that will help you to show some spectacular legs.

Aspects to consider


The various is a common problem, which occurs in much of the population. His appearance undermines the self-esteem of many people who dream of wearing spectacular legs. However, they can be fought.

The poor circulation of blood (specifically the return of the mass), among other causes, cause the formation of clots that are allowed to glimpse through the epidermis. They tend to be violet or red tones and may be more or less noticeable depending on the case.

Keep in mind that, if there is a history in the family, it is best to maintain a good exercise routine to promote good circulation and work your legs. Likewise, there is never another visit to the phlebologist to tell us an appropriate treatment, according to our case.

On the other hand, it is necessary to clarify that, with regard to the care of the legs, exercise will always be one of the tips that we will obtain the most from both professionals and others.

2. Stains

They appear at any age and are usually hereditary.  The sun is one of the causes of these spots that turn brown and manifest in thighs and legs. These are known as simple spots.

As the body ages, it begins to produce more melanin. Over the years, these spots can be dark or silvery, large or small. They are simply a normal manifestation of the passage of time. Freckles also appear by age, are harmless, are also associated with prolonged exposure (and without adequate protection) to UV rays.

3. Melanomas

The melanomas appear as brown spots (of dark tones) and usually have textures and reliefs of various types. On the other hand, keratosis is scaly brown spots, with a rough and dry texture.

Steps to show some spectacular legs

Despite the aspects mentioned above, you can get spectacular legs. It's all about adopting a healthy lifestyle and being consistent with it day by day. On the other hand, there are many tricks at our disposal that help us avoid or disguise (as the case may be) imperfections in the legs.

1. Hydrate your skin

To look spectacular legs you have to keep the skin well hydrated. For this, we will need four tablespoons of baking soda mixed in hot water. If we apply the paste that results from this mixture, once every 8 days, we will get a well hydrated and soft skin. In addition, you will avoid ingrown hairs.

2. Combat varicose veins

The cider vinegar apple is an excellent ally to attack varicose veins. Just soak a cloth with this liquid and place it in the affected area for fifteen to twenty minutes, every night.

3. Exfoliate your legs

With sugar and yogurt, you get an excellent scrub for the knees and ankles. Gently massage your skin for several minutes in a circular way. Then remove the mixture with plenty of water. Repeat this procedure once every fortnight and you will have spectacular legs.

4. Apply masks regularly

Finally, we present a mask for your legs that will leave them soft and silky. We will need Half avocado, one capsule of vitamin E, one spoonful of olive oil, and two stems of aloe vera. We will take the pulp of the aloe along with the olive oil and the avocado, we will process it and, finally, we add the capsule of vitamin E.

Ready our preparation we will apply it in our legs leaving to act from fifteen to twenty minutes. The result will be impressive, you will get well moisturized and shiny legs that will make your muscles look great. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

How to prepare natural masks for dry skin

How to prepare natural masks for dry skin

Dry skin tends to show signs of premature aging if we do not take care of it and treat it with the right products and ingredients for its condition.

The low production of oils by the sebaceous glands can produce an excess of dryness in the skin. This condition, which usually affects thousands of women, is one of the factors related to premature aging.
It is produced by prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

 Likewise, it also has to do with hormonal outflows, bad eating habits and prolonged use of certain chemical products.

Although its level of severity varies in each one, it sometimes becomes complicated and produces a scaly and cracked appearance that can affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it.

Luckily, in addition to commercial moisturizers, there is a wide variety of inexpensive natural masks that help us to alleviate it without producing side effects.

In this opportunity, we want to share several recipes so that you do not hesitate to include them in your routine when you present any sign of this problem.
Take note!

Mask of yogurt and strawberry

The ingredients that we combine in this natural mask give the face a significant amount of antioxidant compounds and vitamins that restore their pH to improve the production of oils.
Its nutrients repair the aggression caused by the toxins and exert a lightening effect that diminishes the presence of spots and imperfections.


  • 5 tablespoons of plain yogurt (100 g)
  • 2 ripe strawberries


  • Incorporate the natural yogurt in a bowl and add the strawberries.
  • Mix with a fork and mix so that everything is well integrated.
  • If you want a creamier texture, whisk everything in the blender.

Application mode

  • Remove the makeup from your skin and apply the mask.
  • Let it act 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Use it 2 or 3 times a week for best results.

Oatmeal and honey mask

The moisturizing effects of this natural mask allow the face to look soft and shiny. Its compounds eliminate dead cells and improve the oxygenation process of tissues.


  • 2 tablespoons oat flakes (16 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)


  • Pour the rolled oats into a bowl and mix with the honey until you get a paste.

Application mode

  • Rub the mask with gentle circular massages and let it act for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat its use 2 times a week.

Mask with milk powder and egg white

Rich in fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidant compounds, this natural mask is a great ally to stop the effects of excess dryness in the skin.

Its assimilation promotes the process of cellular regeneration and heals the cracks that are forming in the most dehydrated areas.


  • 1 tablespoon milk powder (15 g)
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • Add all the ingredients in a deep bowl and beat until a homogeneous product is obtained.

Application mode

  • Extend the mask all over the skin and let it act 20 minutes.
  • Remove the waste with warm water and use it 3 times a week.

Mask of brewer's yeast and milk

Brewer's yeast is an ingredient rich in amino acids that help repair damaged skin tissues.
Its vitamins and minerals activate blood flow and prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles.


  • 1 spoonful of brewer's yeast powder (15 g)
  • 5 spoons of liquid milk (75 ml)


  • Moisten the yeast with the liquid milk until a thick paste is obtained.

Application mode

  • Spread the product all over your face and let it act for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of warm water, making gentle circular massage.
  • Use it 2 or 3 times a week.

Mask of chocolate and almond oil

Due to its high concentration of antioxidants and fats, chocolate is one of the best allies to cure dry and opaque skin.
Its direct application combats flaccidity and prevents the appearance of premature signs of aging.


  • 1 small chocolate bar
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (5 g)


  • Melt a chocolate bar in the microwave and mix it with the almond oil.

Application mode

  • Check that the temperature is suitable for the skin and rub it in all the desired areas.
  • Let it act for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it, at least, once a week.

If you notice that your skin looks scaly and lifeless, choose one of these masks to revitalize it. Although its main effects are obtained in the long term, immediately you can feel a pleasant sensation of softness.

How collagen is used for hair

How collagen is used for hair

Let's know what collagen is and how it intervenes in hair health while we go into cosmetic treatments with this nutrient.

What is collagen

First, we have to say what collagen is, which is not only good for hair. It is a protein, this is one of the types of bricks with which the body is built.

It is necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, for the nails, for muscles, for the strength of the bones ... and for the hair. It is considered that 25% of our body is made up of these essential proteins.

How collagen works for hair

The part that forms part of the hair structure belongs to the V type and is responsible for providing firmness, elasticity, body, and smoothness. It tends to disappear with age and external aggressions (sun, air, wind, hair dryers or hairdressing treatments). As a result of that lack or loss, the hair turns off, becomes weak, brittle, ugly, dull and may fall.

When to use collagen for hair

In essence, it serves to regenerate hair that is:

Tremendously punished, ugly and with split ends or cannot be repaired with a simple cut.
As an emergency treatment for long manes that have lost their body.

For those people who, due to stress, illness or bad hygiene, have damaged their hair so badly that they need this emergency shock.

Remember that when we say collagen for hair, we are always talking about beauty, cosmetics, and hairdressing. If you have suffered a mishap or an aggressive drug treatment, under no circumstances should you use the most aggressive methods without consulting your doctor?

How collagen is used, served or put

It can be done in different ways, either in a unique way or by combining several of them. Write down the following:

In the market, there are pills that can be ingested to recover these proteins. It will be visible not only in the hair but also in the health of cartilage, bones, nails, and skin.

There is also a wide range of shampoos, masks, and serums with this protein. Those that work best are those that are combined with keratin and, above all, for smooth hair.

In recent years, a specific hair recovery treatment using collagen has been introduced in specialized hairdressing salons. It requires at least one hour and the session is not cheap, although it will depend on the professional. It is usually advertised as collagen treatments for hair. 

As if it were a dye, you will be taking small strands that are coated with this protein. It is then sealed with a special plate. It continues until the entire mane is finished. You have to let act, wash and comb to taste.

What vegans should know about collagen for hair

Almost all products based on this protein are extracted from the slaughter of animals. Although there are some more respectful shampoos and capsules that are made from seaweed, you should ask before in your aesthetic center or read the composition of the container.

How to take collagen naturally

Regardless of whether you care for your hair with high-end products, such as in relation to the beauty of the rest of the body, healthy life is what enables the optimal levels of collagen. So write down:
  1. Take a proper diet and introduce the seaweed in your salads and soups.
  2. Milk and nuts, for vegans, are the best options.
  3. Do not damage your hair with chemical products.
  4. If possible, keep it away from the sun, wind, and sand.

Our advice ...

There are some masks with collagen for hair made with respect to the environment that are a blessing. Look for them and let yourself be pampered with them.

Friday, May 11, 2018

How to use avocado to restore damaged hair

How to use avocado to restore damaged hair

Thanks to its contribution of essential fatty acids and minerals the avocado can be a great ally of our hair health and help us to repair the damage and hydrate the hair in depth.

The majority of women use a wide variety of cosmetic products to take care of hair health. However, many face noticeable damage due to excessive use of irons, sun exposure or contact with chemicals.

Although in the market there are masks and treatments to keep the strands strong and hydrated, sometimes it is necessary to resort to other types of remedies to recover that bright and healthy aspect that characterizes it.

While there are many commercial options that give good results, there are 100% natural alternatives that, for a lower price, provide interesting effects.

Do you know the benefits of avocado? This food is one of those economic ingredients that can help improve the appearance of the mane in case of dryness and aggression.

Then we tell you what their properties are and how you can include them in your routine to revitalize your hair.
Do not hesitate to try it!

Nutritional properties of avocado

The nutrients contained in the avocado or avocado are what give it its properties for the hair.
Many of these help to counteract those deficiencies that arise due to poor diet or deterioration caused by environmental factors:
  • It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as "good fats".
  • It contains important amounts of vitamins A and E, which act as antioxidants.
  • Provides significant doses of B-complex vitamins
  • It is a source of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron.
  • Provides slight contributions of essential amino acids.

Benefits of avocado for hair

The external application of avocado pulp can benefit hair health, regardless of whether it is curly, dry or not abundant.
Its nutrients are absorbed through the scalp and micropores, repairing those damages that give it a battered and weak appearance.
  1. Its natural oils rehydrate the strands of hair, solving the dryness caused by the iron or dryer.
  2. Strengthens keratin fibers and hair follicles, reducing excessive hair loss.
  3. It acts as a natural conditioner, providing softness and shine.
  4. Combat the uncomfortable frizz and leave the curls defined.
  5. It helps to repair split ends.
  6. Promotes healthy growth
  7. It has antioxidant properties that prevent the appearance of premature graying or signs of aging.

How to restore damaged hair with avocado?

To take advantage of the properties of the avocado for the hair we can prepare revitalizing masks. Although it is valid to use the avocado on its own, it is best to combine it with other ingredients that enhance its benefits.

Avocado and egg mask

By combining the healthy fats of the avocado with the proteins provided by the egg, we can obtain a restorative and moisturizing treatment.
It is recommended to use on brittle hair, with a tendency to fall.


  1. 1 ripe avocado
  2. 1 egg
  3. 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)


  • Grind the pulp of a ripe avocado and mix it with an egg and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Application mode

  1. Moisten the hair and rub the treatment from the roots to the ends.
  2. Let it act 40 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  3. Repeat its use, at least, 2 times a week.

Mask of avocado and aloe vera

Due to its high content of moisturizing compounds, this mask is ideal to restore the shiny appearance of battered and dry hair.
It can be used on all types of hair, since it does not alter the production of oils.


  1. ½ ripe avocado
  2. 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)
  3. 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (15 g)


  • Crush the pulp of half a ripe avocado and mix it with the aloe vera gel.
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous paste and, finally, incorporate the coconut oil.

Application mode

  1. Rub the treatment all over the hair, including the scalp.
  2. Cover your head with a hat and let it act for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with plenty of warm water.
  4. Use it at least 2 times a week.

Avocado and honey mask

By adding a little organic honey in our treatment with avocado we can restore the hair damage so that the hair looks silky and shiny.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of honey of bees (50 g)


  1. Remove the pulp from a ripe avocado and crush it to a paste.
  2. Mix it with the honey of bees and proceed to use it.

Application mode

  • Moisten the hair, separate it into several strands and distribute the treatment evenly.
  • Wait for him to act 40 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it 2 or 3 times a week.

Do you dare to check the benefits of avocado for your hair? If you notice aggressions or dryness, do not hesitate to try these natural treatments.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

3 masks with mint and yogurt to refresh the skin of the face

3 masks with mint and yogurt to refresh the skin of the face

Although their ingredients usually do not present allergic reactions, before trying the masks with yogurt and mint on the face it is convenient to do a test on the arm to rule out problems.

Yogurt has a high content of lactic acid, an ingredient that turns out to be an excellent ally to disinfect the skin of the face . Mint, meanwhile, will bring our skin freshness and vigor thanks to its high menthol content.

Therefore, we have thought that these masks with mint and yogurt will delight you if you want to stay young, beautiful and with a very fresh skin.

The best thing of all is that the two ingredients are very cheap and surely you already have them at home . You will discover that you only need to add one or two more things to forget about the skin problems that bother you so much.

List? Keep reading and discover the wonders of these masks. The most important thing: apply them on a regular basis to obtain all their benefits.  

1. Facial mask of yogurt and mint for all face types

If your skin is oily, use this facial mask every day for a week . Then you can leave your application only for a couple of times per week.
In case your skin is normal or mixed, apply the first of the masks with mint and yogurt once a week as part of a cleaning routine.


  • 1 natural yogurt (125 g)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped mint leaves (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)


  1. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the tablespoon of olive oil  and add  the mint leaves.
  2. Stir well with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients are perfectly integrated.
  3. Before applying the mask, clean your face with a neutral soap or glycerin so that the skin absorbs nutrients better.
  4. Dry the face and apply the mask with the help of a brush across the face, taking care not to get into the eyes.
  5. Let the mask act for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  6. It is possible that you over a good amount of mask. Store this part in a plastic container with a lid and keep it in the refrigerator, without freezing.
  7. Each time you use it, take it out of the refrigerator and wait for it to reach room temperature.

2. Facial Mask of yogurt, cucumber and mint for fatty face

Since yogurt and mint are two very fresh ingredients, they quickly eliminate fat and leave you with a delicious sensation. The cucumber complements thanks to its astringent properties.
The result is a perfect mask to keep the skin clean, hydrated and without acne .


  • 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of milk powder (5 g)
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 spoonful of finely chopped mint (15 g)


  1. Wash the cucumber and cut it into pieces.
  2. Add the cucumber pieces together with the milk powder, yogurt and mint leave in a food processor.
  3. Mix until the preparation has a smooth and creamy consistency.
  4. Wash and dry your face.
  5. Next, spread the mask evenly with your fingertips or with a cotton ball on your face and neck.
  6. Let the mask act for 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse with warm water and, to finish, give a quick rinse with cold water.
  8. You can use this mask 3 times a week to moisturize and hydrate your skin.

3. Mask with mint and yogurt to refine pores

Do you have very open pores and do not know what to do to hide them? We know that both men and women face this problem and it affects us in the same way.
Turmeric helps to reduce inflammation and makes pores smaller naturally. Apply the following of our masks with mint and yogurt three times a week for a month.
Then, a couple of weekly applications will suffice.


  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon minced mint (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)


  1. Add all the ingredients in a mortar and crush until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Wash your face and dry with a soft cloth.
  3. Apply the mask with the tips of the fingers and giving a gentle circular massage.
  4. Let it rest for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  5. Dry by tapping with a soft cloth.
We recommend making this mask just before using it to take full advantage of the antioxidants of turmeric.

Be consistent with the application of masks with mint and yogurt

Now that you know the benefits of yogurt and mint masks, you have no reason to neglect your skin. Regularly apply the recipe that best suits your needs and enjoy the benefits.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How to use the lemon to have a beautiful and healthy skin

How to use the lemon to have a beautiful and healthy skin

The skin is a reflection of our state of health but also of our state of mind, therefore, we must take care of it and pay attention to it.

Using lemon to have a beautiful and healthy skin is a good step to get the image you are looking for, as well as to take care of your self-esteem.

The skin indicates how we are inside. However, this is sometimes an inconvenience. Stress, lack of sleep, fatigue can reveal something of us that we do not want. It is even capable of negatively influencing our mood.

Therefore, it is best to take good care of this aspect. It is very important to look in the mirror and find a healthy image. It fills us with positive energy, necessary to start the day. This is especially important when we are going through a bad patch.

For this, it is best to resort to products that are as natural as possible. These products respect our nature and hardly cause side effects. Today we are going to talk about lemon and how you can use it to enjoy its many benefits.

Why use lemon to have beautiful and healthy skin

As with all citrus fruits, lemon is rich in vitamin C, making it a great antioxidant. As a result, it will delay the appearance of wrinkles and time stamps.
In this line, it also helps to produce melanin, so the regeneration of the skin is much simpler.
Also, this vitamin is used as a healing. It is not strange that we have small wounds on the skin, due to hair removal or the appearance of acne or blackheads.
Lemon juice helps eliminate the marks or, at least, reduce them.
It also has the advantage that it serves as an exfoliant. In this way, we will get rid of all the impurities and fats that we have attached to the skin.
At the same time, we will achieve a firm and clear complexion, which will give us a luminous image.

How to use the lemon to have a beautiful and healthy skin

Exfoliate the skin with lemon and sugar

As you know, every scrub needs a solid component to open pores. In this case, it is the white sugar grains.
Do not fall into the temptation of using salt, because it absorbs water from the skin, so it tends to dry it.

I may be surprised that an ingredient so harmful to our body, is recommended in this case. It is because the skin does not filter the glucose, so it does not go inside.
In addition, its rough texture makes it a perfect instrument to achieve our goal.


  • 3 tablespoons (13 g) of white sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons (45 g) of olive oil.
  • 1/2 glass (125 ml) of water.
  • 1/2 lemon juice


  1. Mix the lemon juice with the water.
  2. Add the sugar.
  3. Pour the oil little by little and stir until homogenizing.


Its effect is similar to other exfoliants. First, you must have the area very clean.
Then, apply the exfoliant with lemon to have a beautiful and healthy skin with circular massages. Take care of the pressure you exert. Thus, you will avoid possible injuries.

Tone the skin


  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 1/2 glass (125 ml) of water.You can do more, as long as you respect the proportions.
  • A cotton disk.


Mix the water and lemon to prevent the citrus from damaging the skin. In this way, we get rid of what does not work for us, and we take advantage of its incredible properties. However, if you notice some redness, try adding more water.


Moisten the cotton disk and pass it gently over the surface you want to treat.
Do not rinse until after 20 minutes. During this time, the lemon will work to cleanse, tighten and tone the skin.

Then, withdraw the preparation with plenty of cold water and dry it. After this, the ideal is to use moisturizer to finish the treatment effectively.

As you know, to keep the skin beautiful and healthy, it is essential to take the steps we have talked about: exfoliate, tone and moisturize.

In the latter case, there are also natural solutions, such as coconut cream and grapefruit that you can use in the shower.

The skin is our letter of introduction. Therefore, it is desirable to take care of it to give the best version of ourselves.
On the other hand, it is also fundamental for self-esteem, since it greatly influences how we perceive ourselves.

7 makeup tips for oily skin girls

If we have oily skin we should base the choice of all our makeup products on this, since, otherwise, we can worsen the condition and over-stimulate the production of fat.

Applying makeup when we have oily skin can be a real challenge. Makeup removes and melts easily, clogs pores and causes a host of other skin problems.

However, if you consider the following makeup tips for girls with oily skin, you will achieve a matte and soft texture throughout the day.

1. Prepare your skin before makeup

The first of the makeup tips for girls with oily skin consists of preparing the face before applying makeup. This will improve the appearance and time the products last on the skin.

For this you need:

  1. Exfoliate. Removing dead skin cells helps equalize its texture for a smoother finish. Opt for soft exfoliants designed specifically for your skin type.
  2. Use this product at least once a week and maximum three times a week.
Hydrate. Exfoliation can cause some dryness that will be counteracted with more fat. Control this oil production providing the necessary nutrition.

2. Always use a pre-base before makeup

The second of the tips help make the makeup stay in place and with the correct consistency.
  • It covers the areas most likely to generate fat (forehead, nose, and chin) with a light, opaque and oil-free pre-base. The best options are those that are in powder form.
  • Before placing the base, make sure your face is clean and dry. Remember that it is applied to the makeup base, the compact powder or any other makeup.

3. Choose bases with satin or matte finish

Another of the makeup tips for girls with oily skin is to use mousse or powder makeups that provide a satin to matt finish.
  • Look for formulas that do not contain oil and that are water-based. For lasting makeup, choose mineral options that do not have fragrance.
  • This type of product will prevent clogging of pores and the appearance of annoying acne.
  • To apply the base, use a brush or brush. This will help to better fill the pores and absorb more of the excess oil without encouraging the production of fat.

4. Do not use too much dust

One of the key makeup tips for girls with oily skin is to use everything with size. Although the powders provide a silky finish, an excess of compact powder clogs the pores, increases the risk of infection and creates acne.
  • Apply the powder only in those areas that require it and without exceeding the amount.
  • It is also important to use a translucent matt formula as these cut the shine in any skin tone.
  • If you applied too much powder, moisten a makeup sponge and remove the excess with small taps.

5. Always carry blotting papers with you

No matter how impeccable and matte your makeup looks in the morning: if you are prone to oiliness, your face will shine again in a few hours. In that case, the drying sheets are one of the great allies of makeup for girls with oily skin.

The trick to using these blotting papers without removing all the makeup is to press the paper in the greasy area and then remove it from the skin.

Avoid rubbing the paper on the skin at all costs. In this way, the paper will absorb the oils while leaving makeup pigments intact.

6. Remove the remains of makeup at the end of the day

Once the day is over, it is extremely important to remove the remains of makeup from the skin. Leaving the makeup throughout the night clogs the pores and causes imperfections. You must follow a daily cleaning routine.

Use a mild astringent tonic that contains salicylic acid to improve skin texture and pore size.
If you also have sensitive skin, it will be necessary to try several options before finding one that does not irritate your dermis.

7. Uses sunscreen designed for oily skin

Many women with oily skin do not use sunscreen because they find them too greasy or afraid to cover their pores.

However, you can not forget that exposure to the sun without a protector can cause sunspots, freckles and premature aging.

Therefore, the advice of makeup for girls with oily skin is to buy a gel or light texture sunscreen with SPF greater than 50.

Combat oily skin improving your habits

In addition to having a proper makeup routine, remember to stay away from fast food and sugars. It is also important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and eliminate toxins.

All these cares together will help you regulate the amount of oil your skin produces. Do you have any other makeup advice for greasy skin girls?

Coconut oil to remove white spots on the skin

Coconut oil to remove white spots on the skin


Why white spots appear on the skin

Do you have vitiligo and they told you that coconut oil is used to remove stains from the face? What good advice they have given you! Coconut oil is an effective natural remedy to treat different skin conditions such as vitiligo. Discover how to use it, reading this article!

What is vitiligo

The white spots that occasionally appear on the skin, are usually caused by a disease known as vitiligo. They are the result of a loss of melanin in the skin cells and can appear in different parts of the body, being more common in the areas of the body that you expose to the sun:

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • arms
  • Legs
  • Expensive
  • Lips
  • Around the eyes

Causes of vitiligo

To date, the cause of this skin condition is unknown. However, experts believe that it is closely linked to a disorder of the immune system, in which the immune system attacks melanocytes or melanin-producing cells.
There are also suspicions that they may be caused by:

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. Excessive exposure to sunlight
  3. Very large stress levels
  4. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Do you know what are the main characteristics of this disease? Look at the following list.

Symptoms of vitiligo

Why do white spots appear on the face? One of the main causes is vitiligo. There are not many symptoms of vitiligo, but they are quite particular, so you can easily tell if this disease is affecting your skin.

White spots on the skin.

Premature hair graying, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard.
Loss of color of the tissues that line the inside of the mouth
Lightening of the color in the retina of the eye.
It should be noted that sometimes, white spots may appear on the skin due to some fungal infection. Fortunately, you can resort to the help of home remedies for vitiligo. Which ones are the best? Find out in the following paragraphs.

Why coconut oil is good for stains

But whatever its origin, the truth is that there are different natural solutions to treat skin blemishes. One of the best is to make a treatment with coconut oil. This oil is derived from the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, and has become a well-known natural remedy thanks to its great beneficial power for both medicine and beauty treatments.

In tropical countries where coconuts are available to anyone, natives have always used it to protect the skin from the sun's rays by making a mask with coconut oil.

Although not a panacea, coconut oil is an excellent natural solution to treat skin conditions, caused by sun damage, infections or pigmentation disorders.

But, what are the benefits of coconut oil for the skin? The answer is locked in its rich content of nutrients. Take note of them.

Properties of coconut oil

Saturated fats. Due to the presence of these fats, coconut oil helps to conserve skin moisture.
Capric, caprylic and lauric acid. They act as antiseptics and antimicrobials.

Vitamin E . It is essential for the growth of healthy skin, repairing the skin tissues, keeping the skin soft and protecting against cracking. Prevents premature aging.

Proteins. They keep the skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally.
These organic principles are what give it its great benefits for the skin, do you know them?

Benefits of coconut oil for the skin

Is coconut oil good for the face? Of course, look at all the benefits it has:
It keeps the skin hydrated, avoiding dryness and the formation of cracks and wrinkles.
It helps to reduce skin inflammation, alleviating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
It promotes the regeneration of the skin, helping you to eliminate dead cells and to heal wounds and burns fast.
It helps in the treatment of vitiligo since it promotes the regimentation of the skin.

How to use coconut oil on the face for vitiligo

For skin care and repigmentation of the spots, nothing better than preparing a mask of coconut oil for the face. Follow the next steps!
Take a few drops of coconut oil, solid or liquid, in the palm of your hand.
Then, rub the palms and spread the oil on the skin.

Another way you can use coconut oil for stains is to soak the coconut oil in a piece of cotton and apply it directly on the skin spots. This treatment with coconut oil done daily, leaving it to act for 2 or 3 minutes, until you notice an improvement in the appearance of the spots.
Other uses of coconut oil for the skin

Still not sure if coconut oil is good for the face? I invite you to take 3 minutes to watch the next video, where you can find different ways to take advantage of the incredible benefits of coconut oil for the face.

Exfoliation to renew the skin in depth

Exfoliation to renew the skin in depth
To renew the skin in depth we will have to take into account the importance of exfoliation.

If for many people the basis of a good facial and corporal hygiene is the use of soapy substances, or of a cleansing milk and a tonic, these should begin to take into account the great importance of a good exfoliation that regenerates and prepares the skin for the application of a specific cosmetic product such as a moisturizer or a serum.

And why stress in this exfoliation? Very easy, because a bunch of dead cells create a barrier on our skin and, no matter how much you apply a serum and a cream, without having exfoliated the skin previously, it is to throw away the product and discard money, as simple as that. But let's go by steps, and explain deeply why the importance of exfoliating the skin.

On the skin accumulate remains of dead cells that have already fulfilled their work of nutrition and oxygenation, as well as protect against external factors: sun, wind... Along with these dead cells, are also traces of environmental dirt, remains of sweat and sometimes makeup that has not been removed properly.

When a peel, exfoliation or scrub is performed.

  1. Immediately the skin is smoother, brighter and smoother.
  2. The color is revived thanks to the circulatory stimulation and acquires a very healthy tone.
  3. The skin is oxygenated and helps eliminate small wrinkles and imperfections.
  4. Prevents the signs of premature aging.
  5. By reducing part of the stratum corneum (the superficial layer of the skin, which we palpate) and exerting a deep hygiene of the skin, the cosmetic products penetrate better.
  6. The skin tans evenly.

There are many types of exfoliants

  1. Mechanical exfoliants, which contain small granules: as marine salts, apricot kernel powder, coconut, bamboo particles ...
  2. E exfoliates chemicals such as glycolic acid, based on cane sugar and AHAs renewing skin thoroughly removing spots and blemishes, scars or acne.
  3. Exfoliants enzyme with fruity pineapple or papaya enzymes which are anti-inflammatory and respect the natural pH, ideal for sensitive skin. Some can be found in the form of shower gel, sea salt with oil, or even in the form of soap with botanical particles. There is an endless amount of exfoliating cosmetics. Try them and do not forget to hydrate the skin afterward with a lotion, cream or an oil.

Your skin will be softer than ever!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Myths and truths of laser hair removal

Myths and truths of laser hair removal

Before submitting to laser hair removal it is convenient that we know the myths and truths that surround this practice so as not to deceive us and make it much safer and more effective.

Have you ever considered performing laser hair removal? Sure, but in the end, you have not dared to do it for certain myths that surround this type of hair removal.

The problem of this lies in ignorance and in that there are other methods that we know and that do not generate any doubt. Maybe because our friends use them and because laser hair removal is not among their options.

For this reason, and to shed some light on this method of hair removal unknown to some people, we will discover some myths and truths of laser hair removal. In this way, we will solve any doubts we may have. Go for it!

Myths about laser hair removal

We will start by solving some myths about laser hair removal that are quite widespread and that is not true. Myths that generate fear and doubts and that prevent people who might be interested in accessing this type of hair removal.

1. Laser hair removal causes skin cancer

There are people who believe that laser hair removal causes skin cancer because they consider it a very aggressive method with it. However, laser hair removal destroys the hair but does not damage the skin at any time.

However, it is true that those who have a history of skin cancer should go before the doctor to give them their approval to undergo this type of hair removal.
Due to his background, it may not be good to be exposed to laser hair removal.

2. Laser hair removal is very painful

Many people believe that laser hair removal is very painful because they have heard that some people put on a previous cream to notice less pain. However, this depends on the sensitivity of each person. However, the reality is that the inconveniences are minimal.

Laser hair removal is not painful nor will it cause us to not return from pain. Yes, you feel a slight sensation of heat, but nothing that we can not tolerate.

3. Laser hair removal is very expensive

We may initially believe that laser hair removal is expensive. However, we must see the benefits that we will achieve in the long term.

Well, are we aware of the ones we spend monthly on hair removal bands or waxes? What does our hair bite when we depilate with a blade? In the time that we lose ourselves when we are waxed with an electric razor?

Laser hair removal is a very good investment that saves time and money in the long term. With the passage of time and after several sessions, we will only have to go once a year to review and sometimes not even that!
Everything depends on the thickness of our hairs and their growth.

Truths of laser hair removal

Once we have seen the myths of laser hair removal more common, we will discover the truths that it contains.
Surely, now we are more calm about many doubts we had and we will understand much more what this method of hair removal consists of.

1. People with thin, blond hair will not work

It is true that not all people will have a depilatory laser treatment. People who have fine, very blond hair are very likely not to be able to undergo this method because it will be a waste of money.

The reason why this method does not work in this type of skin is that having little melanin will need a greater number of sessions to obtain results and, even then, they will not be insured.

2. Before each session, you have to shave

This is another truth about laser hair removal and is that, although it seems a nuisance, always before going to a hair removal session of this type you have to shave the area. Although we already have a few hairs, we have to do it.

It is important that we know that we should not pull the hair. The reason is that the laser has to act on the hair weakening it to detach and not grow back. If there is no hair, laser hair removal will not work.

3. You have to be careful with the sun

Many people believe that they should not be exposed to the sun after waxing, but what they do not know is that they should not do it before. In general, it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun neither 3 days before nor 3 days later.

Also, it will be important to use a sunscreen with high protection and avoid using any type of self-tanner. The skin will be sensitive and exposed and, if we put it in the sun without following these measures, we can injure it.

If you have ever submitted to laser hair removal, we would like to know your experience. If you have not done it yet, would you be encouraged to do it? Do you think it would be a good option for you?