Monday, April 30, 2018

Top 20 of the best beauty tips for women


Top 20 of the best beauty tips for women
Just practice 30 minutes of exercise daily to maintain skin health, eliminate toxins and promote proper oxygenation

To look beautiful is not necessary to invest our money in salons or beauty centers where we undergo a lot of treatments. At home there is much we can do to keep our skin, our hair and our nails healthy to give the best impression wherever we go. It is true that beauty products are an aid to look radiant and spectacular at all times. However, there are some home care and treatments that can help us make a difference to look beautiful every day.

10 beauty tips for skin health

Our skin requires constant care and treatments to look healthy, radiant and young. Beauty products help us provide the necessary properties to regenerate frequently, but it is also important to give other special care.
·         Wash your face with honey: Instead of using soaps or chemicals to wash the skin, a good option is to apply a good amount of honey all over the face and then remove it with warm water.
·         Use cold water: The use of hot water can cause sagging and dry skin. On the contrary, cold water helps tone, close pores and preserve the natural oils of the skin.
·         Use a soft towel : When you finish rinsing, dry yourself with gentle pats and a soft towel.
·         Apply vegetable oils:  The oils moisturize, clean and soften the skin naturally. Among the recommended ones are coconut, almond, olive, rosehip, etc.
·         Avoid alcohol consumption:  The consumption of this type of drinks causes dehydration and, therefore, dry skin and premature aging.
·         Drinking natural juices:  Fruit and vegetable juices give the skin vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that stimulate its regeneration and protect it from external damages.
·         Exercise:  This good habit helps improve the health of the skin and contributes to proper oxygenation of the cells. Only 30 minutes a day of exercise can have a very positive impact on your skin.
·         Exfoliate the skin:  This step helps to eliminate the dead cells that accumulate causing spots and other alterations in the skin. Simply mix a little oatmeal with honey and apply it with gentle massages all over your face.
·         Toning:  The use of tonic is a fundamental step in any beauty routineto take care of the skin. This product helps to refresh, close pores, remove excess fat and preserve the elasticity of the skin.
·         Disinflammation:  The skin around the eyes tends to swell frequently and look tired due to dark circles. Put some slices of cucumber in the refrigerator and then apply them on the eyelids.

5 beauty tips for hair

The hair needs to be hydrated frequently and receive the right nutrients to keep it strong, bright and healthy. The following tips are part of the ideal routine for beautiful, long and healthy hair.
·         Hydration:  It is very important to guarantee hydration to the hairthrough the consumption of water and the application of moisturizing products such as essential oils. It is recommended to use coconut, rosemary and olive oil.
·         Conditioner: This product gives the hair an incredible shine, in addition to facilitating your hairstyle to avoid damage when brushing. A good option is to crush half a ripe avocado and mix it with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply throughout the hair, let it act 10 minutes and rinse.
·         Avoid sun exposure:  Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause dryness, hair loss and other hair problems.
·         Avoid chemicals:  The use of dyes, gels and some types of chemical shampoos have side effects on your hair that can be reflected in problems of dryness, fall, fragility or split ends, among others.
·         Use apple cider vinegar: Dilute apple vinegar in equal parts with water serves as a treatment to prevent dandruff, remove excess fat, stimulate hair growth and condition.

5 beauty tips for nails

Show a healthy and beautiful nail gives a good impression and is an important part of our beauty.
·         Manicure:  It should be done at least once a week to deeply clean the nails and remove dead cells.
·         Hydration: Apply a hand moisturizer daily is a way to keep the nails moist and healthy.
·         Olive oil:  When the nails are fragile and tend to break, a good remedy is to dip them in a cup with olive oil.
·         Garlic:  This ingredient helps strengthen the nails to prevent splitting or cracking. Apply garlic directly on the nails or mix with an enamel for a better treatment.
·         Decoration:  So that the nails look with a unique style and fashion, nothing better than painting them and adding some detail.

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